Here is my list of Light Heated Happy Romantic Comedies, Suitable for all ages and will make great watching for young couples.
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This is our only animated film and we are extremely delighted to include Shrek in our list of Top Romantic Comedies for two reasons. We really like the main message of the movie: “It’s not what is on the outside that counts but the heart that makes a person beautiful”. We also are really happy to see DreamWorks SKG hitting its stride; call it payback for all of the naysayers in the late nineties. During this time Hollywood elite were brutal toward this new studio. This hilarious romantic comedy mixes together all of the genius that define DreamWorks dream team and founders Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen. You’ll love it and your older kids will love it! The humor is witty and the story is inspiring.50 First Dates
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Watch Online: Click Here Henry Roth lives in a Hawaiian paradise with the company of endless women with no strings attached. This is until he meets Lucy Whitmore. Both Henry and Lucy enjoy the company of each other and feels the start of a serious relationship occurring. Approaching Lucy the next day, Henry is confused when Lucy fails to recognise him. This is the moment Henry discovers that Lucy actually suffers from short term memory loss and can't remember each individual day. Henry won't let this stop him and is prepared to make her fall in love with him all over again, each and every day. Written by FilmFanUk
HitchIMDB: Click Here
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In New York, Alex Hitchen is a kind of sentimental advisor, teaching each client how to date the woman of his dream. His present case is helping the clumsy Albert to date the wealthy and powerful Allegra Cole. Meanwhile, Hitch has a crush on the gossip columnist Sara, who was assigned to write about Allegra. When the best girlfriend of Sara has a love disillusion with a man that Sara thinks that is a client of Hitch, she plots a revenge against Hitch and the misunderstanding leads the two couples to a conflictive situation. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bridget Jones' Diary
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Watch Online: Click HereFinally a romantic comedy about what it is really like to be a thirty-something single female in a modern world. So Bridget is a little more obsessed (NOT!) than most women with her weight, lack of sex during the peak years of her sexuality, the poor choices in men available and her gorgeous boss (Hugh Grant). The boss is Mr. Mega Wrong in may ways. Unfortunately, Mr. Right (Colin Firth) lets his mother dress him and has no idea how to be assertive in love.
Bridget Jones' Diary is the romantic comedy in reverse: girl gets boy, girl loses boy, girl realizes its true love running through the snow barefoot in her underwear.
Some guys get this movie (
if he gets Ally McBeal he'll get Bridget Jones) and some can't believe that when women are alone we can really eat a half gallon of ice cream and be that neurotic about the absence of love.
Or that stupid in our choices!
Knocked Up IMDB: Click Here
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When Alison Scott is promoted in E! Television, she goes to a night-club to celebrate with her older married sister Debbie. Alison meets the pothead reckless Ben Stone and while having a small talk with Ben, Debbie's husband Pete calls her to tell that their daughter has chicken pots. Debbie leaves the place but Allison stays with Ben, drinking and dancing along all night; completely wasted, they end up having a one night stand. Ben does not use condom and eight weeks later, Allison discovers that she is pregnant. She calls Ben and they decide to try to stay together and have the baby. However, Ben needs to grow-up first to raise a family of his own.
Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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