Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Your Girlfriend Could of Left You.

If your girlfriend has recently dumped you, you’re probably wondering what you said or did to make her leave. If you don’t figure out what happened, you’ll miss your chance to win her back. The first step to fixing your relationship problem is to know what caused the issue to come to the conclusion it came to. Keep this in mind about women:

All women have things they need in a relationship. The same holds true for men. Women want a man to make her happy, feel secure and feel loved. You want to make sure you don’t do anything that jeopardizes her sense of security. There are three things that do just that. It’s imperative that you avoid them if you want your girlfriend to stay with you.

Cheating - When you cheat, you acknowledge that something isn’t right in your relationship. However, instead of dealing with it, you decide that having an affair is the best way to handle it. Don’t do this. If there is a problem within the relationship, talk with her about your concerns. After all, how would you feel if she did it to you? If you cheated on your girlfriend, this could be the deciding factor that drove her away.

Lack of or No Attention - Women love it when their men notice things about them or actually talks and listens to them. You should know that communications with your significant other is imperative. If there is a lack of communications and she notices, she’s likely to feel unsatisfied in the relationship even if everything else is going well. Listen to her when she talks.

Lack of or No Appreciation - Women do a lot more than men tend to give them credit for. Women take their time to look good for their men so appreciate the little things you girlfriend does for you. Be sure you compliment her on her attire or how good on things she has done. Let her know that you do appreciate her doing things for you. If she doesn’t feel like she’s appreciated, she’ll question why she isn’t even trying to be with you.

While most men can figure these three things out on their own, for some, it’s isn’t as clear cut. The second and third items are the basis to making women happy. The first one is just being downright cruel to her. If you love your girlfriend, you should strive to make her happy as much as possible. If not, you may be the one tossed to the side for another guy who can make her happy and sees to her needs.

The above are the 3 possible reasons your girlfriend will not feel happy in a relationship and leave. If you want to win her back, you have to show her that you do care, appreciate and love her. It may take time but it can be done.


  1. In addition I can say girls like men, that have future. In other words, men must have good job, do career. Having relations with such men, girls feel more secure.

  2. Hi, interesting post. I have been wondering this issue,so thanks for sharing. I will definitely be coming back to your blog.

  3. Good suggestion bro. That's true most of the time a relationship breaks due to lack of attention. So always be attentive to your girlfriend.

  4. Interesting post. So many reasons it could be. But I think the best thing to do is analyze the situation and figure out why so that it doesn't happen again.

  5. Its best to move ion in such a situation... even if you are really into her, there is no guarantee that she won't dump you again...which defeats the entire objective of getting back with her.
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  7. Interesting information given here i agreed in these three points which are given. If any guy do one thing in these things his girlfriend leave here and at that time the same relationship ism't happen...

  8. The blog's information is interesting i agreed in these three points which are given. If any guy do one thing in these things his girlfriend leave here and at that time the same relationship isn't happen...



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